"Yahoo is shutting down on November 17th. They want to get rid of free messenger. If you delete this and don't pass it on, your name will be deleted. A lot of people have already been deleted. Right click on the group name of your buddylist and click, Send Instant Message to All in Group.. This is Yahoo President Anna Rubenecia, I am sorry to announce that Yahoo has reached its maximum number of accounts two million. If you would like to keep your account for free send this to everyone on your list. This way we can know which accounts are being used and which accounts we can delete. Send this within 8 days and your account will remain free"
Itu salah satu nye. Ade lagi satu tp yang ni dah lama la.
"if chintan1231in@yahoo.co.in adds you don't accept it. It's a virus. Tell everyone on ur bulletin because if somebody on ur list adds them, u get the virus too. Tell everyone on your list not to open anything from chintan. It is a hard drive killer and a very horrible virus. Pass this letter to everyone on your buddy list. Right click on the group name of your buddy list and click Send Message to All ...I received this message from a friend in 321 chat .."
Ntah ape2 ntah. Orang kite selalu jer mudah percaya mende2 alah nih. Cepat cepat jer send kat member2...email kat member2... Semua tu just mainan + keje mengong + suke². Aku pun pelik ngan orang kite ni. Orang luar Malaysia pun ade jugak macam orang kita. Tapi xde la mudah macam kite. Kadang2 tu gelak la jugak ngan mende2 tu semua. Mayb pasal kurang pendedahan kot pasal tu ramai mudah percaya semua tuh.
Kalau nak tengok contoh2 msg or email cam kat atas tu...korang leh masuk web nih :
- http://www.doshelp.com/scams-fraud/Instant-messenger-hoaxes.htm
Harap2 korang xde la buat mende2 macam tu or terpengaruh ngan email/msg yang karut2 tu.